Thursday, June 13, 2013

Water Bottle Flowers

I was doubtful about doing this craft because plastic water bottles are obviously not good for the environment. In the US alone two million tons of water bottles end up in landfills. Plastic bottles are also not good for your pocket, they cost 240-10,000 times the cost of tap water and its the exact same water! You're just paying for the bottle you're going to throw away anyway.
Even with knowing all those facts, sometimes we slip. When I forget to bring a reusable bottle to my sports games, some times I'll buy a plastic water bottle although I try not to at all costs. However, don't go buy plastic bottles for this craft, I'm begging you! This craft is to keep the plastic bottles you already have out of the landfills. Very easily,you can turn them into colorful flowers to string on tea lights. It's very fun and they look great!

You will need:
1 plastic water bottle
1 pair of scissors
3 nail polish colors (or another type of paint)

1. Cut the top off the plastic bottle

2. Cut 6 marks around the bottle until it gets two thick to cut

 3. Round edges

4. Paint flower with three colors, 1 for the petals, one for the inside of the flower and green for the stem

5. Cut a hole in the cap big enough to fit a tea light into it

6. Attach to lights and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Gift boxes

I decided to choose this craft as my first post because I needed to wrap my friend's birthday present. I chose not to use wrapping paper because it is a tremendous waste. According to the Clean Air Council 4 million tons of logs are turned into wrapping paper for Americans each year. Of course, I can hope my friend will reuse it, but I decided I can do even better. I took a shoe box, and covered it in cute pictures and messages from magazines. I got so into it that I started decorating jewelry boxes for other gifts instead of wrapping them, and made another big box for my mom's birthday. I think they turned out really well, and the box for my friend turned into a present in itself! Instead of using new wrapping paper, I reused (instead of just recycled) old boxes and magazines, a double win!

First Post!

I have just returned from graduation and I am officially on summer break! This summer, I'm not going to let my three glorious months of freedom pass by without accomplishing anything. Every summer I set a different goal for myself, but I never really carry them through. Last year, I vowed to keep busy by doing something with friends every day. As more of my friends evacuated the city for their summer plans, I stopped being as vigilant. I eventually spent one whole week in late July watching Friends reruns from my couch. Another year I promised to read a book every week but I quickly dropped that goal.
This year is different though, because of this blog. I have to keep up my goal because I have to post everyday. And especially because this task is something I really care about. Saving our Earth. Or doing as much as I can. Currently, I live my life as eco-friendly as is convenient. I walk the extra feet to the recycling bin, I open my window instead of turning on the AC, I bring a reusable water bottle with me, but I know I can do so much more. 
This summer, I'm going to take up a new environmentally friendly habit every day. I've seen so many cool ideas, but I haven't tried any of them because I never seem to have any time. With summer finally here, I'm ready to begin! Nothing too drastic at first, just cool crafts to reuse materials or earth friendly products to buy. I want people to realize that being eco-friendly doesn't mean devoting your life to the cause, there are many easy ways to save our planet. My blog is here to tell you which ideas are successful, and which don't seem worth your time. I'm excited to start, and see how much more eco-friendly I can make my life. I'm also happy to learn more about environmental issues along the way.
Happy Summer!